Past Posts


Climbing out of the Cellar

A crowded Book Cellar Independent bookstores are bucking the trend in brick-and-mortar retail stores heading downward. For the last eight or so years, nonchain bookstores have been moving in the opposite direction. The Book Cellar, a new store in downtown Lake Worth, Florida, is evidence of that. The store has been popular since its opening […]

Happy Holidays?

Bob’s Christmas Letter 2017 Dear Family and Friends, I do not bring you tidings of great joy. The Miami Dolphins just lost their chance to make the playoffs due to the worst decision possible by the coach in paying $10 million for a  has-been – nay, a never-was – quarterback. Oh, you don’t like the […]


Wayward Words

“Words matter” is a buzz phrase tossed around frequently these days, and remarks yesterday by our clueless, callous, boorish and shockingly unpresidential president shined neon lights on the phrase when he referred to Haiti and African nations as “sh*thole countries.” But I digress even before getting started. This is not a political commentary. Rather, it […]


The Craven Politician

President Trump Open Letter to Trump Supporters: Let’s see if I understand this. You voted for Donald Trump because you thought he was Mr. Straight Shooter who was allergic to Washington politics. If I’ve been following the news correctly, President Trump just waffled twice, causing a government shutdown – because of politics. And you still […]



Today, I am departing from my usual blather about whatever. Instead, I have a fun surprise to share with you. I’ve teamed up with 35-plus fantastic authors to give away a huge collection of crime thrillers to 2 lucky winners, PLUS a brand new eReader to the Grand Prize winner! But even if you’re not […]



A reminder, folks: The big BOOK GIVEAWAY ends tomorrow, Monday, Feb. 12. So if you want to get a treasure trove of crime novels by accomplished writers, FREE, you need to act pronto. Enter the giveaway by clicking here: If you missed my first invitation to garner a bunch of books free and possibly win […]



“Hello young lovers, whoever you are …” If those lyrics take you back to the 1951 stage musical The King and I, or even the 1956 film, you’re … well, not quite a young lover, I’m sorry to say (sorry mainly for myself). But happily, the song applies to us old lovers and those in […]


The Power and the Glory and the Money

Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA A few of the political observers said on the cable networks that it may be different this time – that the outrage over availability of assault weapons to commit atrocities like the one in Parkland this week just might have reached its peak. Legislative action to control guns may […]


The Truth Teller

Rep. Ruben Gallego   Americans who voted for Donald Trump for president did so because, by golly, he “tells it like it is.” He’s not a craven politician like the rest of them in Washington. The reverse of that has proven to be true, of course. If you want a politician who really tells it […]


All That Jazz

Jazz at Lake Worth Street Painting Festival   If you are a lover of America’s original art form and happened to be in the Palm Beaches last weekend, you were in heaven. Enhanced by unseasonably balmy weather, jazz was bursting out all over. It emanated from a stage at the east end of downtown Lake […]

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