Past Posts


The Confounded Compound Sentence

Former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley   In the opinion of this humble scribe, the most common writing error involves the compound sentence. It’s ubiquitous, pervasive, omnipresent – even, to borrow a Mayor Daley-ism, frequent (“They have vilified me, they have crucified me; yes, they have even criticized me”). I don’t read a single issue […]



It was enough to turn a liberal into a conservative. I just had an experience with government bureaucracy that made me wonder if the antigovernment positions of those Libertarians and Republicans might have some validity. A glitch in time … My desktop computer has been plagued with a few glitches that, while not critical to […]


Who guards the Fox house?

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly   It was quite a matchup in the Republican presidential debate last week, Donald Trump versus Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. Why? They’re both liars. Trump’s modus for lying couldn’t be more direct. Kelly clothes hers in deviousness. In these debates, it’s common for the candidates to prevaricate in their answers to […]


A Word to the Wise

Writing isn’t the only way to abuse the English language. The spoken word gets pummeled aplenty these days, often by persons who should be most concerned about polemically correct pronunciation: TV pundits and politicians. In the latter camp, President Barack Obama is an offender on two important words: formidable and corps. (They must be important if […]


Florida Government in the Dark

Florida Gov. Rick Scott   Before Republican Rick Scott ran for governor of Florida the first time, in 2010, the voters knew he was a crook: He defrauded Medicare as CEO of Columbia/HCA Hospitals, the largest for-profit health-care corporation in the United States. Okay, he wasn’t convicted of anything, but the company admitted to 14 […]


Cereal killers

The movement is growing. We speak of the trend toward healthier eating. The latest evidence is General Mills’ decision to remove all artificial colors and flavors from its cereals. By the end of 2015, the company outside Minneapolis plans to have Trix, Cocoa Puffs and Reese’s Puffs free of the contaminants. In their places will […]


A Warm Welcome to Alaska

If this keeps up, it won’t be too long before billboards, websites and the media will be running ads that read something like, “Come to balmy Alaska. And don’t forget your swimsuit.” Just before President Obama’s three-day visit to the Alaska Arctic, The Associated Press sent out a story about the effects of global warming […]


Green Is Good (take that, Gordon Gekko)

General Mills headquarters near Minneapolis   The newspaper headline read: GENERAL MILLS TACKLES GAS EMISSIONS. Hmmm, I thought, the company is looking for a way to make Cheerios easier on your plumbing. Then I looked at the story. The company wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hmmm, I thought again, I didn’t know Cheerios had […]


Be Wary of Vaccines

Dr. David Brownstein The You Docs are at it again, touting the wonders of conventional medicine that fly in the face of facts. Real facts, not the kind propagated by, for example, Fox News – i.e., bogus. Facts or fiction This time, Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen are pounding the podium over the miracle […]


Bernie and Rachel Trumped

Donald Trump   I am going to do something I would never have dreamed of doing, to wit, defend Donald Trump and two other Republican candidates against Bernie Sanders and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.   Jake Tapper   In the Republican presidential debate Wednesday night on CNN, moderator Jake Tapper raised the issue of the safety […]

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