Past Posts


It Hurts So Good!

Florida Gov. Rick Scott Florida’s Republican Legislature and governor, Rick Scott, are in a pickle. The people whose boneheaded obeisance to an idiotic ideology cost the state tens of billions in federal health-care dollars now are faced with paying the piper. Correction: Those office holders, most of them returned to their posts by a clueless […]



It’s l-ementary. Pairing or paring the l In certain words, the double l is required. In others, depending on whether the language is British English or American English, a single l suffices. For example, cancelled is the British form, and it’s canceled in America. However, I ask for a cancellation of my reservation whether in […]


Rabid GOP Attacks ACA Again

Sen. Richard Burr, North Carolina The fanatical anti-Obama faction of the GOP – which is almost the entire Republican Party – is at it again. They voted once more, in the House, to repeal the Affordable Care Act – the whole thing, not parts of it that they’ve voted on dozens of times since 2011. […]


Cholesterol Okay Now?

Well, the government diet gurus have switched positions again. Now they don’t think cholesterol is bad for you. Not long ago, so-called experts were recommending even more people take statin drugs. You know – those delightful pills that make a large number of people who take them experience serious muscle deterioration, or amnesia, or other […]


Vaccination quandary

Child with measles The media, for the most part, scorn the folks who resist vaccinations for diseases or are disinclined to have their children vaccinated. Measly medicine It probably is a mistake to refuse vaccinations for measles, though I’m not sure. The media, of which I once was a member, and President Obama (whom I hold in […]

Vaccinations quandary

The media, for the most part, scorn the folks who resist vaccinations for diseases or are disinclined to have their children vaccinated. It may be a mistake to refuse vaccinations for measles, though I’m not sure. The media, of which I once was a member, and President Obama (whom I hold in high regard) tell […]


Bombs Away!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu   The hawks in Congress and the media have been jumping all over President Obama for the agreement the United States is working out with Iran on curtailment of its progress toward the capability to produce a nuclear bomb. Even stronger opposition came last week from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin […]


Compounding the problem

Today’s topic is probably the most frequent grammatical error, which abounds in newspapers and every type of literature to be found. The miscue is ubiquitous, and is the downfall of even top-notch writers. I refer to the failure to insert the conjunction and before the last item in a series in a compound sentence. Okay, […]


Due for a Bash-ing

CNN’s Dana Bash   Dana Bash, a likable correspondent for cable channel CNN, did anything but live up to her name Sunday in quizzing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell about the nuclear weapons negotiations the Obama administration is holding with Iran. The Republican Senate created a firestorm last week by sending a letter signed by […]

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