Past Posts


Where’s That Water Coming From?

Noah’s Ark Call him Noah. You know – the guy who warned about a disastrous climatological event about to take place. That was a few years ago – make that a few thousand years ago – and Noah’s naysayers ended up getting soaked as Noah proved prescient. The flooding predicted by the biblical character is […]


The Jesus Jew

Bernie Sanders   Many, if not most, of those in the conservative camp of the American electorate are evangelicals who think of the United States as a Christian nation. One wonders if any of them have pondered which of the presidential candidates exhibits the most Christian values. Were a poll taken, I wager that the […]


The Oily Deception

My niece Dana from Chicago stayed with me this weekend, and she bought some healthy food from Costco for the four of us, including hubby Mark and their son Neelam. Dana and Mark are health aficionados, Mark having placed 18th in the world iron man competition in Hawaii in 2005, and Dana having completed the […]


Sunrise at the Rotary

I’m in a dream where snow is piled up in this parking lot, covering the cars, but out of nowhere mine appears, the snow having been cleared off by some miracle. Only thing, it’s a U.S. Post Office mail delivery vehicle – which belongs to me. The first person who figures out what in blazes […]



Sunnyside Swing Revival   It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie, and I’m not about to sin on Sunday, much less Mothers Day. Mom would be dismayed. So I will admit to familiarity with almost every one of the songs performed Saturday night in Lake Worth by a combo called Sunnyside Swing Revival. How many […]


Well, I’ll be dashed!

I have been remiss, and my file of miscues in the mechanics of writing has grown thick. Newspapers, magazines, business communications – foibles such as “between … to” instead of “between … and,” “your” in the place of you’re, and inappropriate use of the comma are ubiquitous. In today’s rendition of The Grammar Grouch, your […]


Bernie Should Be Burned Up

Shaun King Here’s the headline in the New York Daily News this week: “KING: Hillary Clinton should quit presidential race as email scandal engulfs her campaign.” King refers to Shaun King, a noted columnist. Here’s the link to the column: This is devastating. It appears that Hillary Clinton has been lying repeatedly over the […]


Media Provide Fodder for Trump

Michael Gerson   Michael Gerson, the well-reasoned, moderately conservative columnist for the Washington Post, wrote a column this week bashing Donald Trump, which was spot-on except for one passage: “Here is Trump again: ‘Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM.’ And: […]

Green, Green Grass of Home

In less than four full days, I will be winging my way from my South Florida redoubt northward to the great and sovereign state of Iowa for a high-school class reunion in the town of Newton (famous original home of Maytag appliances). It’s my 20th (oh my gosh, my tongue is drilling a hole in […]


Going Home

Thomas Wolfe   “You can’t go home again,” Thomas Wolfe (the Look Homeward, Angel guy, not Tom of Bonfire of the Vanites fame) wrote some 80 years ago. I did, anyway. What I found was a thing of beauty, the perception no doubt enhanced by the sweet tincture of nostalgia. A deep, lush green layered […]

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