
Author: client


Chewing or Eschewing the Fat

You Docs, Oz & Roizen   It never ceases to amaze me how certain voices in the medical community attain status as experts on all things involving diet, merely by trumpeting the long recognized axioms of the medical establishment. I refer specifically to – you guessed it – The You Docs, Mehmet Oz and Michael […]


Scott’s politicking fleeces Floridians

Florida Gov. Rick Scott Florida Gov. Rick Scott and House Speaker Steve Crisafulli are hell-bent on plunging the state into a fiscal and environmental morass. First the fiscal. The two Republican politicians are not budging a centimeter on their refusal to expand Medicaid to cover 800,000 people even though the Obama administration requires such expansion […]


A word to the dumb

Poring over a book Be wary of the words you choose. They may mean something entirely different from what you thought they meant. Someone posted on Facebook the photo of an attractive young female teacher who led the school cheerleading squad and seduced a high school athlete into having sex with her. A fellow commented: […]


Media Full of Baloney on Saturated Fat

Mary Clare Jalonick My old stomping grounds (for only two years), The Associated Press, is at it again. Whenever some government pronouncement about cholesterol or fats is sounded, AP quotes the positions of official medical sources, completely ignoring the discordant voices in American medicine. The news organization follows this practice even though the medical establishment […]


Fitness Trainer Unfit to Write

I’m part-way through an email promotion for what the fitness trainer alleges to be the most amazing discovery about how to flatten your abs ever revealed. I come to this headline: “Big Mistake No. 1: You’re Core Isn’t Working Properly.” And that short, profoundly ignorant sentence undermines the guy’s credibility. I want to shout at […]


However: Alpha or Omega?

When I was in my upper 30s, working with the Palm Beach Post, I came across a piece written by the copy chief that had the conjunction however in the middle of a sentence, with a comma on either side. I still remember how startled I was. I’d never encountered this punctuation error before, and couldn’t […]


Godly Warming

Pope Francis Republican Catholics are in a quandary. Do they adhere to their political ideology on climate change, or do they follow their spiritual leader, Pope Francis? As is well-known, the pope recently issued an encyclical (letter to the church’s bishops) denouncing the world’s political leaders for putting national interests ahead of efforts to combat […]


Technological Overload: Tell Avivah

New York Stock Exchange     United Airlines plane   A single day last week told the story of what’s become of life on planet Earth. On Thursday, July 9, computers brought down the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines, and the Wall Street Journal. And none of the interruptions in service by these institutions, […]

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