
Author: client


Trumpers in a Nut Shell

John Feffer   The issue of racism and police brutality toward Blacks in America is critical and must be  addressed, and my new novel Blood on Their Hands does just that, rendering in the microcosm of personal dramatization the racial bigotry that pervades American society. But this issue is only part of a broader problem […]


Inconsistent Fed Covid Policy

Dr. David Brownstein   As an author, I am a follower of another author: Dr. David Brownstein, who has an oeuvre of 11 books, seven of them national best sellers, including The Miracle of Natural Hormones, which I have but haven’t read yet. Brownstein has long been a thorn in the side of government health […]


Book Fever

Bookstore reading   A pandemic can do more than send people to their early graves, create cabin fever for those quarantining or just staying home to reduce their chances of infection, and send the economy into a tailspin. For authors launching books, it makes for a rocky road. Yours truly hit the trail with his […]

Y’all Come …

In case you’re bored, and want something to do in late happy hour time today — 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m — I will be doing a Zoom presentation with the West Palm Beach public library. I’ll discuss my new book, Blood on Their Hands, and the one just before it, Murder in Palm Beach: […]


Costco, Corona and Chaos

Costco Lantana, Florida   It goes without saying that people are staying home much more during the virus (DV) than before the virus (BV) – acronyms which, when combined, form BVD, which was a type of popular men’s underwear that my dad wore decades ago (and is still made by Fruit of the Loom). Where […]


An Open Letter to Trumpers

President Trump A week ago, I sat down and churned out a letter, stream-of-consciousness fashion, for my friend from Indiana to send to backward acquaintances who have fallen under the spell of the fraud in the White House. He was not putting his name on it, he said, because they are gun-toting fools who have […]


Chance Encounters of the Literary Kind

Tampa Bay   Chance encounters of related people or things in unlikely circumstances often elicit the cliché, “It’s a small world.” These days, we all likely would be better off if it were a larger world, so we wouldn’t be crammed as closely together, and the coronavirus wouldn’t spread as readily. A little more physical […]

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