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Murder Redux

Mark Herman today   A big new development has just occurred in the murder case that my novel MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died is based on. But before I delve into the exciting news, I want to extend a warm welcome and thanks to all of the new subscribers to my […]


Fund-amentals of Rape Prevention

Mark Herman today   In my last newsletter (http://bobbrinkwriter.com/all-categories/9645/), I broke the news that the main character in my roman à clef MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died had been declared innocent of the crime by the six adult children of the victim, and they had petitioned Florida’s governor for a full […]


We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this special message: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?pli=1#inbox/WhctKJVqqqPGsPnXllkWnGhNqqRVscCPzBXxkdXGHJJNqWMJxqvfJSQTphJWPjzcHzJcZBV,  or https://tinyurl.com/wvatfct. Folks, this has nothing to do with my books or anybody else’s. But I felt it was important enough to get the word out to you. A post actually related to the subject of books — that is, a book, i.e., my book […]


Birth of a Book

Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinnie Two movies that I enjoyed immensely were Gran Torino, starring Clint Eastwood, and my all-time favorite comedy, My Cousin Vinnie, with Joe Pesci knocking it out of the park as Vinnie. In 2008, the year Gran Torino  was released, a computer specialist at a well-known office supply store came […]


A Novel Idea

Line outside Costco store in California You may think at first that the tirade I’m embarking on has nothing to do with books, but please be patient; I’ll get there. Last week, I thought an anomaly had occurred in the hurricane season and its arrival was 2 ½ months early. Upon visiting my local Costco […]


Hope for Slowing Coronavirus?

Dr. David Brownstein Dear readers, I don’t mean to flood you with my newsletter, but I felt that this is something you would want to read. It’s from a medical doctor in whom I have much confidence and great respect, Dr. David Brownstein of West Bloomfield, Mich. He lectures internationally to other doctors, and is […]


A Bloody Good Book

Yippie ki yay!!! It’s finally happening. Sixteen months after I signed a contract for publication of my new novel, Blood on Their Hands, the book is set for release. The date is May 4. But the Kindle version is already up on Amazon. Here’s the link, in abbreviated form: https://tinyurl.com/uz72onm. Novel due for release May […]


Coming Attraction

Pavlovian Theory For much of my life, I thoroughly enjoyed going to the movies. Unattached the last 20-plus years, however, my trips to the movie theaters have been infrequent, even rare. One of the things I used to love was munching popcorn before the feature film began, watching the scene snippets that previewed coming films. […]


Sudden Reversal – Naturally

From left: Drs. Richard Ng, David Brownstein, Jeffrey Nusbaum Hard upon a blog post concerning my new book, Blood on Their Hands, I’m putting that aside momentarily for something else that is – well, more concerning. Can you guess what it is? What is the thing that is of greatest concern to most of us […]

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