
Author: client


Witness for the Prosecution

For an author, acquiring book reviews on Amazon is a difficult task, at best. Amazon imposes strict restrictions on the posting of reviews, and if they are not met, down come the reviews. That is like getting kicked in the head for the author, who depends on reviews for credibility. My book MURDER IN PALM […]



President Trump/GOP congressional leaders   I for the life of me can think of only two things that have benefited our economy under Trump: the tax cuts and the removal of regulations. But the tax cuts haven’t done much to boost wages, and won’t, in the long run, be very beneficial because 83 percent went […]

Book Giveaway Contest

Hello, young book lovers, whoever you are … Uh, oh, you may be too young to be familiar with that augmented lyric from The King and I, the 1951 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. No matter, if you like reading crime and thriller novels, this is for you. It’s a contest by which you can win […]


The Biggest Grammar Goof

Fred Barbash At the risk of sounding obsessive, I must once again bring up an egregious grammatical error that is popping up with ever more frequency in print journalism, as well as other media. This is the fourth entry in The Grammar Grouch in less than four years that deals with this issue. I refer […]


Here in southeast Florida, it’s hot, folks. Now, I’m a little weird: I love it. No AC during the day, 79 degrees at night, with a helicopter above my bed churning up a windstorm. I go dancing with a sweater on, while the gals in sleeveless attire are fanning themselves like mad. But I realize I […]


Serpico Redux

Remember Serpico? The 1973 hit movie by director Sidney Lumet, starring Al Pacino. You don’t? It was before your time? Hey, it was only 45 years ago. Still can’t place it? Well, the hell with you then. (Kidding, kidding.) Serpico popped into my mind tonight (June 28) while I was watching the Rachel Maddow show […]


Rather Accessible

Me (left); Dan Rather, holding my book   As if the Palm Beaches weren’t home to enough celebs, including authors in various genres, the annual Palm Beach Book Festival imports some. From other states, that is. Nobody from outside the country, so far. They’d probably fear being locked up and deported by the guy who […]


Cheesy vs. Cultured

Norton Museum of Art   Les Nuages   Donald Trump can trash our allies and praise our enemies all he wants, but his treasonous activities of late could not diminish the joie de vivre in a celebration of France on Saturday at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach. baguettes   Trump with […]


An Open Letter

Mahatma Gandhi In context: I wrote this more than a week ago in response to a tirade that I received from a subscriber, which was full of misrepresentations. I never planned to include it in my newsletter, but decided after careful consideration that it merited wider attention. The subscriber had differed, to put it mildly, with […]


A subscriber pointed out that, in my post titled An Open Letter, which went out today, I made an error. The skirmish for which Bill O’Reilly claimed to have been present was in the Falkland Islands, east of the tip of South America, not the Galapagos Islands.

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