Author: client


The Rotting Fish

Sherman Adams. For those who know something about American political history, or are old enough to remember, that name is synonymous with scandal. As President Dwight Eisenhower’s chief of staff, Adams accepted a gift of a llama’s-wool coat from a textile manufacturer under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission. Even though Eisenhower depended heavily on […]


Georgia on my Mind

Benny Goodman When I was a newspaper journalist, my editor once assigned me to do a feature story on some fitness fanatic who formed a business of training others to get the kind of buff body that he had. I was swamped with other duties, and had to put it aside; it wasn’t anything urgent. […]


And We Think We Got It Bad …

I’ve never been a big fan of historical fiction, but this post-Civil War tale sounds like a worthy read. KITCHEN CANARY is the debut novel by Joanne C. Parsons, who retired from a career in elder care and set about realizing her longtime passion: writing fiction. Here’s the Amazon link to the book: Relying on […]


Just Between You and Me …

The English language, in the United States at least, is in free fall. Everywhere – in newspapers, periodicals, online stock market analyses, health reports, television news, you name it – usage mistakes have polluted the language at a rapid rate over the past, say, decade. I simply don’t remember encountering these glaring errors in decades […]


Hatred and Revenge

President Trump   Five detrimental, even dangerous, ramifications of President Trump’s decision to pull out of the nuclear deal with Iran have made the rounds of the news media outlets since Tuesday’s action: Iran will ramp up its production of nuclear weapons. A war could result. It will show the rest of the world, notably […]


Murder as Backdrop

Lauren Doyle Owens   Though I’ve authored two murder mysteries – one, more of a legal thriller, awaiting a publisher – the murder fiction genre never has particularly attracted me. I don’t need to be frightened; the real world is so full of scary stuff that I have all I can handle. However, the world […]


A Confluence of Books

More and more, people are becoming concerned about what is happening in our federal government. On Saturday, I met a man in a coffee shop reading the new book by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Fascism: A Warning. He had previously read A Higher Loyalty, by James Comey, the FBI director whom President Trump […]


Truth and Fiction

The reality of the chaos in the current White House becomes wearisome after a while, and an escape into fiction is like a breath of fresh air. But the situation that faces our country is too important to ignore, and a recently published novel titled Remote Access shows us what it might be like behind […]


Publix and Politics

Letters to the Editor of the Palm Beach Post reveal that, to some patrons, shopping at Publix no longer is a pleasure, but a pain. The letters came on the heels of a Post editorial assailing Publix for contributing a lot of money to the Florida gubernatorial campaign of Adam Putnam, the state’s far-right-wing agriculture […]

Free Books!

If you still haven’t signed up for this contest, it’s not to late. The contest runs through Wednesday, June 20. It costs nothing to enter, and you might be one of two winners of a slew of free books and an eReader. My book, MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died, is among […]

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