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Bernie Should Be Burned Up

Shaun King Here’s the headline in the New York Daily News this week: “KING: Hillary Clinton should quit presidential race as email scandal engulfs her campaign.” King refers to Shaun King, a noted columnist. Here’s the link to the column: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/king-clinton-quit-presidential-race-email-scandal-article-1.2652342?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%202016-05-28&utm_term=DailyNewsletter This is devastating. It appears that Hillary Clinton has been lying repeatedly over the […]


Media Provide Fodder for Trump

Michael Gerson   Michael Gerson, the well-reasoned, moderately conservative columnist for the Washington Post, wrote a column this week bashing Donald Trump, which was spot-on except for one passage: “Here is Trump again: ‘Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM.’ And: […]

Green, Green Grass of Home

In less than four full days, I will be winging my way from my South Florida redoubt northward to the great and sovereign state of Iowa for a high-school class reunion in the town of Newton (famous original home of Maytag appliances). It’s my 20th (oh my gosh, my tongue is drilling a hole in […]


Going Home

Thomas Wolfe   “You can’t go home again,” Thomas Wolfe (the Look Homeward, Angel guy, not Tom of Bonfire of the Vanites fame) wrote some 80 years ago. I did, anyway. What I found was a thing of beauty, the perception no doubt enhanced by the sweet tincture of nostalgia. A deep, lush green layered […]

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A Real Blast

Stan Kenton   One of the finest entertainment-and-dining experiences I’ve ever had occurred Monday night at the American Rock Bar & Grill in Deerfield Beach, where Mike Egan’s Teacher Teacher Big Band performed to a pitifully small audience. This despite the absence of a cover charge. It was FREE for a drink or dinner. I […]


If a Tree Falls in a Forest …

Mike Norris Jazz Orchestra Get this. The Mike Norris Jazz Orchestra played without cover charge Monday at the American Rock Bar & Grill in Deerfield Beach, and the number of people in the audience roughly equaled the number in the band. Not long before, the same band played at a place in west Boca Raton […]


Fluoridation Flimflam

“Fluoride vote acknowledges passion, yields to science.” Thus read the headline of an editorial in the Palm Beach Post after the Wellington Village Council voted to resume fluoridating its water supply, reversing a policy enacted in January 2014. The editorial contained this sentence: “Moreover, there is still no credible evidence linking public water fluoridation with long-term […]


State of Anomie

M. William Phelps   At the South Florida Book Festival on Saturday, M. William Phelps, a New York Times bestselling author of about 30 books on real murders, told an audience that some of the crimes he wrote about occurred in Florida, which he views as a harbor for degenerates and assorted other nefarious characters. […]


Good Bice Books

Bice Ristorante   A website on Google says Bice most often is used as a female name in Italy, and pronounced bicha. In English, a similar word, with one letter added and one removed, is similarly pronounced, without the last syllable. It likewise is applied to a female, but not in a flattering way, if […]


Privatization Prologues

Pat Beall   Last week, two events that will alter the social landscape in America made newspaper (there are some left) headlines. One was the U.S. Justice Department’s decision to end the private operation of prisons, a move likely influenced by a 2013 series by investigative reporter Pat Beall in the Palm Beach Post that […]

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