Author: client



Donald Trump An open letter to a Midwestern friend: Dear Dan, I received your letter, in which you said you were planning to vote for Donald Trump. While you are, of course, entirely free to vote for anyone you like, I cannot sit idly by when I think that step by you and millions of […]


Cruel Cruz

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz   Last week, I penned an open letter to a friend, delineating why his intention to vote for Donald Trump was abysmally ill-advised. What I didn’t mention was that another Republican candidate is even worse: Ted Cruz. Trump has at least said a few things that made sense, and he appears […]


Book Signing

Lake Park Library   OMG, I have a book signing tomorrow – that’s Saturday, Jan. 23 – and haven’t even let anyone know about it. Yikes! It’s at the Lake Park Public Library at 11 a.m. I hope my car starts. The high is supposed to 63 degrees. Do car batteries turn over when it’s […]


Pronoun Predicament

Driving down the road, listening to NPR, I heard a newscast that reminded me of the conundrum over which pronoun to use when the gender is unknown. It has become common to use they as a singular pronoun.   Yet this grates on the ears of those of us inured to the idea that they […]


Environmental Setback

Zou Ji The U.S. Supreme Court’s surprising decision this week to block the Obama administration’s attempt to regulate emissions from coal-fired electricity plants demonstrates another important reason why a Democrat should be elected president.  Though the 5-4 vote was only a stay of the Obama action, its many industry and state government opponents are gearing […]


A Badge on Their Shoulder

This week, I had a date with a judge. A male judge. No, not in a bar – before the bar. The South County Courthouse in Delray Beach, Florida. I was there to challenge a traffic ticket. I was successful – and paid a fine of $131. How is that possible, you ask? Good question. […]


Hark! He speaketh.

Clarence Thomas   BULLETIN! Close on the heels of the sudden death of one of the U.S. Supreme Court’s most controversial members, another justice today (Feb. 29) experienced a serious health issue — except this one was salutary. Observers of the court had surmised that for 10 years, Justice Clarence Thomas suffered under a mute condition, had a somnambulistic […]


Bernie Better for Blacks

Bernie Sanders   If Bernie Sanders got half the black vote, he’d beat Hillary Clinton hands down, in my not-so humble opinion. The Southern states have killed him, but Michigan seems to have been a game changer. Hillary was counting on a victory there to consolidate her candidacy and move forward to the nomination.   […]


Jazz — No Jive

Mark Doyle   On Saturday night in the Palm Beaches, jazz   was   breaking out all O-o-Verrrrr! Swing into spring was the unsung, but musical, theme as two excellent bands performed in disparate locations. At the Wine Scene near downtown West Palm Beach, the Mark Doyle Trio was cookin’, with Mark’s piano inventions and abundant technique […]


Alas, poor Your. Ick.

The best evidence of the deterioration of quality in our society is, in my view, the misuse of your. Ladies and gentlemen, your is an adjective, not a noun or pronoun. It is a possessive adjective. And, being possessive, it gets offended, even jealous, when you use it in a way that it’s not supposed […]

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