Author: client


Jazz vs. Politics

Igor Butman   The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming. That is, they came – not with seven machine guns in a re-enactment of the 1966 comedy movie about a Russian sub running aground off New England, but with 16 musical instruments. They arrived at the Arts Garage in Delray Beach on Sunday night, […]


Hillary wins, GOP loses

Hillary Clinton   The House Benghazi Committee grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours, minus two breaks, today with the intention, as the late departed candidate for House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, openly admitted, of trashing her candidacy for president of the United States. The committee handed Clinton a gift, markedly improving her chances of becoming president. […]


This is progress?

Andy Rooney     John L. Lewis   I’m having an Andy Rooney moment. You know, the dyspeptic guy who for 33 years closed out each CBS’ 60 Minutes program – until the clock closed out on his life, a month after he left the show in 2011. With his bushy eyebrows and scowling face, […]


A Big Fat Fallacy

The Palm Beach Post’s special section on healthful eating for seniors in Thursday’s paper got it partly right, but other morsels of information were just a rehashing of the wrong-headed dictums perpetrated by the medical establishment for decades. Righting a wrong “People over age 50 should increase their intake of unsaturated fats and reduce consumption […]


Three-Ring Signing

A jazz musician I know used to introduce guests playing with his combo by saying, “I’ve known a lot of piano players (or drummers, or whatever) in my day, and so-and-so is one of them.” This Thursday, Nov. 5, three authors are appearing at the Riviera Beach Library to shamelessly, nay proudly, tout their books […]

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Body and Soul

For the first second time in probably 37 years, I stepped into the Riviera Beach Library on Thursday evening – and remembered it like it was yesterday. That’s because I’d been there several times before. My then-wife, Lynn, was the head librarian. I recalled the entire layout, which she’d worked with the architect from Washington, […]


What you don’t know about vaccinations

Dr. David Brownstein   The medical establishment’s propaganda about the safety and benefits of vaccinations is relentless. And it’s effective. It had a skeptic such as I convinced that those parents who refused to vaccinate their children for fear of their becoming autistic were conspiracy theorists. Even Rachel Maddow, whom I think highly of, was […]


Word waste

Yogi Berra   Judged by today’s linguistic milieu, Yogi Berra’s verbal foibles were not all that uncommon. The words and phrases we hear and read make his malapropisms and redundancies seem like déjà vu all over again. No help needed Just a moment ago, my eyes lighted on this sentence in a health newsletter promo: […]

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