Author: client


Green Is Good (take that, Gordon Gekko)

General Mills headquarters near Minneapolis   The newspaper headline read: GENERAL MILLS TACKLES GAS EMISSIONS. Hmmm, I thought, the company is looking for a way to make Cheerios easier on your plumbing. Then I looked at the story. The company wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hmmm, I thought again, I didn’t know Cheerios had […]


Be Wary of Vaccines

Dr. David Brownstein The You Docs are at it again, touting the wonders of conventional medicine that fly in the face of facts. Real facts, not the kind propagated by, for example, Fox News – i.e., bogus. Facts or fiction This time, Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen are pounding the podium over the miracle […]


Bernie and Rachel Trumped

Donald Trump   I am going to do something I would never have dreamed of doing, to wit, defend Donald Trump and two other Republican candidates against Bernie Sanders and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.   Jake Tapper   In the Republican presidential debate Wednesday night on CNN, moderator Jake Tapper raised the issue of the safety […]


Car-lyar Fiorina the Fibber

Mona Charen   Paul Krugman and Mona Charen, two syndicated columnists. A recent column by each reminds me of a song: “What a difference a day makes.” Substitute “a day” with “the truth” and we see the good and the bad of newspaper journalism.   Paul Krugman   Krugman wrote about the last Republican presidential […]

Book it. It’s FREE!

Friends and neighbors and lovers of literature (I use the term loosely), sometimes in the world of books there is a free lunch. If that’s what you’re lookin’ for, you have come to da right place. My novel MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died (Pegasus Books, publisher) is about to go on […]


Killer of a Deal. FREE book!

MURDER IN PALM BEACH, by me, is about to go FREE! That is, the book will be offered free for one full day beginning at midnight tonight. And you thought somebody was getting away with murder. Well … maybe. You can find out by reading this novel based on a real murder. It’s a FREE […]


Punctuate to Communicate

These days, I find myself running into run-on sentences with greater frequency. Seems as though people are too impatient, or lazy, or just plain clueless, to stick a little punctuation into their communication, or to bother putting it in the right places. The phenomenon is everywhere on the Internet, where English standards often seem nonexistent, […]


Great jazz — no jive

Nicky Orta   Wow, what a performance Friday evening at the recently reopened Bamboo Room in downtown Lake Worth! Talented keyboard player Tom Regis led an ensemble of outstanding musicians featuring Freddie Jacobs on trumpet and flugelhorn, and Nicky Orta. The electric-bass player received a Grammy nomination for his work on the 2005 album “…And […]


FREE book today

A belated notice that the Kindle version of my novel MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died is available for FREE very shortly on, all day Monday, Oct. 12. In fact, by the time I get through posting this, it probably will already be FREE. You can download it on your Kindle or […]


GMO, glyphosate and Green: Gee whiz!

Green isn’t green. Alex Green, the chief analyst for the Oxford Club investment newsletter service, defends the Monsanto corporation in its production of genetically modified foods, or organisms. There is no evidence that GMOs are dangerous to health, and much evidence that they are helping to feed a world that has too little food for […]

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